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CU1379 Copper Foil
0.005 mm (thickness)
99.997+% (purity)
Temper hard. Quality NOT Light-Tigtht.
CU1380 Copper Foil
0.005 mm (thickness)
99.997+% (purity)
Temper hard. Quality Light-Tigtht.
CU1291 Copper Foil
0.007 mm (thickness)
99.99+% (purity)
Temper hard OFHC C103. Coil Width 10mm.
CU1293 Copper Foil
0.007 mm (thickness)
99.9% (purity)
Temper hard.
CU1376 Copper Foil
0.010 mm (thickness)
99.9% (purity)
Temper hard.
CU1377 Copper Foil
0.010 mm (thickness)
99.99% (purity)
Temper hard OFHC C110.
CU1378 Copper Foil
0.010 mm (thickness)
99.999% (purity)
Temper as rolled.
CU1287 Copper Foil
0.0125 mm (thickness)
99.9% (purity)
Temper hard. Coil Width 10mm.
CU1288 Copper Foil
0.0125 mm (thickness)
99.99+% (purity)
Temper hard OFHC C103. Coil Width 10mm.
CU1296 Copper Foil
0.0125 mm (thickness)
99.9% (purity)
Temper hard. Quality Light-Tight.
CU1295 Copper Foil
0.0125 mm (thickness)
99.995% (purity)
Temper as rolled.
CU1297 Copper Foil
0.017 mm (thickness)
99.95% (purity)
CU1300 Copper Foil
0.025 mm (thickness)
99.9% (purity)
Temper half hard. Quality Light-Tight.
CU1358 Copper Foil
0.025 mm (thickness)
99.9% (purity)
Temper annealed. Quality Light-Tight.
CU1356 Copper Foil
0.025 mm (thickness)
99.99% (purity)
Temper annealed OFHC C110. Quality Light-Tight.
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